Explore Chartway Group

A Premier Guarantee Quality Award

Wednesday 16th March 2022

A Premier Guarantee Quality Award

We’re excited to learn that our development at Pebble Gate Place in Sandwich, Kent is being awarded a Quality Award by Premier Guarantee and will be receiving their certificate soon.
We’re building 56 new homes, the majority of these are for our new homes arm Westerhill Homes and have been selling fast with only a few homes remaining.
Construction on the site started in early 2021 and we’ve just handed over our first units and customers have moved in to their new homes this month.

A Premier Guarantee structural warranty is offered on all our new homes and we have regular visits from the Premier Guarantee Inspector.

Click here for more information about Premier Guarantee https://www.premierguarantee.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-7DizaHK9gIVwrTtCh0XCASWEAAYAiAAEgJKmvD_BwE

Click here to visit our new homes arm Westerhill Homes and the Pebble Gate Place development

Check back soon for more information when we receive the certificate.