Explore Chartway Group

Stronger Together, Authentic Together

Friday 16th June 2023

Stronger Together, Authentic Together

To celebrate and coincide with Pride month, we’re delighted to announce Mark Davis, Group Marketing and Communications Director at Chartway Partnerships Group, has been appointed as ED&I champion for the Group as we work towards a fully inclusive culture and develop our strategy to ensure everyone can be their authentic self in the workplace.

Chartway Partnerships Group, which together with its subsidiary companies has delivered close to 6,500 new homes in partnership with public and private sector partners as well as through its new homes brand, Westerhill Homes by Chartway.

Our vision is to develop homes for everyone and by putting ED&I at the forefront of our thinking we will be better placed to deliver homes for all communities and build a team that represents and understands our customers and clients.

The property sector is often known for playing catch up on diversity and inclusion advancement. Progress is being made to improve this and Chartway is committed to playing a visible and active role in helping to transform the industry. We want to ensure everyone has the knowledge and access to the careers the built environment offers and the environment to thrive and grow in their roles.

“My own experience in the property sector has often felt behind the curve with ED&I. It often results in action being led from the bottom-up in companies but with the Chartway Partnerships Group, the direction of travel is being sponsored at Board level to show the leadership and commitment.

“As part of the LGBTQ+ community, I have encountered different instances (positive and negative) in the workplace. As ED&I Champion for the Group, I’m focussed on making sure we make our business as inclusive, diverse and equal to everyone. Providing a place for people to thrive in the workplace and live their most authentic worklife.”

Joanne Weeden, Sales and Development Marketing Director and Group ESG Lead at Chartway Partnerships Group “Stronger Together, Authentic Together is the Group commitment to ensure all protected characteristics of the UK’s Equality Act are built into the new ED&I strategy. Formulating how we integrate ED&I into how we behave will result in a creating a workplace where everyone can thrive. We’re also keen to ensure we support other inequities including socio-economic inequality, neurodiversity, hidden conditions, and parenting/caring discrimination.”

“Our team need to feel empowered to be involved on this journey and we must ask ourselves challenging questions and be receptive to the answers to create change.”

“A more inclusive culture is good for us as individuals, our communities, and as a business, including our clients and supply chain. ED&I is not a nice-to-have, we want the business to celebrate our diversity to create a welcoming and learning culture within the Chartway Partnerships Group.”

For more information about Chartway and our approach to ED&I in the work place, please email [email protected]